
Learn   Product   Design

The best way to learn is by doing and creating. My name is Djordje Vanjek and Iā€™ve been creating digital products for more than 10 years.

I want to give back to the community and I feel itā€™s the least I can do. That's why Iā€™m gathering a group of people to pass all my knowledge onto. I want to believe that when their time comes they will do the same.

Applications Closed

Supported by:

Ofscreen Logo Fiftyseven Logo

Who, what, why?

ā€œHello everyone, my name is Djordje Vanjek, welcome to another tutorialā€¦ā€ thatā€™s how I used to start every video on the YouTube channel where I taught more than 2000 people the basics of user interface design, development, 3D modeling, motion design etc.

After more than 70 videos and almost 2 years of watch time, I decided to archive the channel. I did it because technological advances made most of the videos obsolete.

In the meantime, I focused on product design, worked in agencies, worked in startups, built startups, met clients and users from all around the world, and realized just how limited my knowledge was when I started making the videos. Yet, I was able to reach out a huge number of people through my little YouTube channel and help them on their own journeys.

This made me realize that now I can do an even better job when it comes to teaching and passing on what Iā€™ve learned so far to more people. If youā€™re interested in my work, check out some of the stuff I have on dribbble or check out what people Iā€™ve worked with say about me.

We all know that unicorns are mythical creatures, but he is the real one! He is the ā€˜voiceā€™ that will always tell you the truth no matter what.

Petar Stojaković

Dj. brings experiences and inspiration. He is good at making stuff. His absence is noticeable. Not a fake testimonial.

Nikola Ristić

He is the cursor in the darkness. He is the watcher of the drones. He is the shield that guards the realms of design.

Tereza Cenić

The amount of ambition, creativity and innovation in this multicellular organism that we call Djordje is highly immense and quite unbreakable.

NebojÅ”a Jurčić

I think that the biggest luck in my career was meeting Djordje. Iā€™ve been privileged (and still am) to learn from him.

Marko Ilić

Djordje can do many different things, however his strongest value stands in his personality and that's something you donā€™t learn.

Marko Ivanović

What You Are Going to Learn

My goal is to show you the entire design process with all of its ins and outs - from the obvious of how to design stunning applications and websites, through acquiring clients, doing presentations, the importance of having professional communication skills, doing research, receiving feedback, planning a project, all the way to leading a project, giving feedback and continuing to learn.

  • Design Principles
  • Communication
  • Research
  • Presentation
  • Prioritizing

Willing to make a difference?

I have a strong vision of how to provide the greatest possible learning experience to a small but select group of people:

Five people

From 15 to 20 years old

Physically present in Belgrade Once or twice a week for 2 months

With at least some English knowledge Even though we're going to speak Serbian

Applications Closed
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My guess on what could be

Frequently Asked Questions

What to expect after applying? Iā€™ll review each submission and make sure to respond to every single one. After that, Iā€™ll pick around 10 people and arrange 1-on-1 video calls to get to know you a bit better and figure out which 5 are the best fit.

Is it really free? Yup, completely free.

Is there a way to participate remotely? Unfortunately, no, thatā€™s not an option. I know that itā€™s technically possible, but I donā€™t believe that I can offer the best possible learning experience remotely.

Am I going to get some kind of certificate at the end? If thatā€™s something youā€™re into, sure, we can arrange that. I just canā€™t guarantee it will have any value. It is, after all, just a piece of paper. Your knowledge is what counts.

What if I donā€™t know English? You probably wouldnā€™t be reading this then. But if somehow you are, it means that youā€™re some kind of hustler and thatā€™s always welcome.

Will the lessons be held in English? No, we will speak Serbian.

Then why is the site in English? If you want to do this on a global level (and you should), you need to have a firm grasp of the English language to be able to work and communicate with clients from all around the world. This site is an example of what you can expect.

When will the lectures be held? Some time in October 2018.
To Be Confirmed

Where will the lectures be held? To Be Announced

Still have questions? Feel free to @ or DM me on twitter